GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain
GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain
GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain in Water 0,5ml GelRed is an ultra sensitive, extremely stable and environmentally safe fluorescent nucleic acid dye designed to replace the highly toxic ethidium bromide (EB) for staining dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA in agarose gels or polyacrylamide gels. GelRed is far more sensitive than EB without requiring a destaining step. Concentration: supplied as 10,000X solution in water.


GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain Biotium can be used to stain dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA in agarose gels via either precast or post gel staining. Can also be used to stain dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA in polyacrylamide gels via post gel staining. GelRed is also compatible with downstream DNA manipulations such as restriction digest, sequencing, and cloning. For detailed protocols for use, please download the GelRed Product Information Sheet. Also see our GelRed and GelGreen Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
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RedSafe™ Nucleic Acid Staining Solution
RedSafe™ Nucleic Acid Staining Solution
La solución de tinción de Acidos Nucleicos RedSafe™ Nucleic Acid Staining Solution (20.000x) es una nueva y segura tinción alternativa al Bromuro de Etidio (EtBr) para la detección de acidos nucleicos en geles de agarosa. RedSafe emite fluorescencia verde cuando se une al DNA o RNA.
Esta nueva tinción tiene dos máximas excitaciónes fluorescentes cuando se une al acido nucleico, una a 309 nm y otra a 419 nm. Adicionalmente, posee excitación en luz visible a 514 nm. La emisión fluorescente de RedSafe™ Nucleic Acid Staining Solution unido al DNA se centra a 537 nm. La solución de tinción RedSafe™ Nucleic Acid Staining Solution para acidos nucleicos (20.000x) es tan sensible como el BrEt. Presentación: Vial de 1 ml a 20,000x de Concentración
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